Enabling Works

Prior to the start of the main infrastructure construction, enabling work packages to prepare the route will start. These include site clearance and preparation, erection of safety fencing and mitigation activities. The LM team will work together to provide a professional and dynamic service, using our considerable experience in planning, design, liaison with key stakeholder and local communities, and the utilisation of the latest construction methodology in order to deliver efficient and safe delivery of planned works.

Activity on worksites is important, but that’s only part of the story. Long before the workforce and machinery start work, detailed planning and consultation is vital with all interested stakeholders in order to ensure important details such as vehicle numbers and access routes, workforce numbers, hours of work, acceptable noise, dust parameters, and other important details, have been considered, planned for and, where necessary, mitigated.

Acknowledging our responsibilities in protecting the world around us, our ecology and archaeology teams and advisors will work with stakeholders to ensure that all appropriate studies and measurements are made and appropriate action taken.

We will use early client engagement wherever possible, coupled with our advanced design and manufacturing capabilities, to minimise time on site and disruption to local communities. We’ll also work with educational advisors to engage with schools and colleges, with the aim of increasing interest in science and engineering topics as the project develops.


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