Category: News

New construction partners for hub SW

New construction partners have been announced by public sector development partner hub South West Scotland (hub SW), with new agreements recently refreshed with their Tier

Homes England launches Strategic Plan

Homes England has launched its next five-year Strategic Plan, setting out how it will support the delivery of more good quality, affordable homes alongside the

Construction struggles through Spring

The latest monthly update from ONS on construction output shows that the industry is struggling with market conditions over the early part of the year.

Magnox awards £53M clean-up contracts

Magnox is ready to start a major decommissioning project to clean-up and demolish four ‘blower house’ superstructures at Berkeley site. Ross McAllister, Magnox programme delivery

Homes England appoints DaRTS suppliers

Homes England has announced its appointed suppliers to the new DaRTS Framework. The DaRTS Framework, which will run from 2023–2027, has been introduced as the

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