Supply Chain Management
Our Supply Chain
SCS is looking for supply chain partners aligned to its values and sustainable working practices. With the right supply chain we can successfully deliver on our HS2 commitments. We promote sustainable business through long-term thinking, environmental consciousness as well as social and ethical responsibility.
This will enable us to win and deliver profitable projects through the provision of an integrated, safe, green, ethical, diverse, innovative and value driven supply chain.
Below you’ll find information on our approach to procurement, including an update on our new sourcing system:
Pre-Qualification Process
The SCS JV prequalification process is intended to create consistency and increase productivity. The process consists of a Common Assessment Standard. This is a set of business assurance qualification questions agreed by Build UK, CECA and its partners. The Common Assessment Standard will be certified by three recognised assessment bodies: Achilles, CHAS and Constructionline.
More information on the Common Assessment Standard can be found on the Build UK Website.
Introduction to SourceDogg
- SourceDogg is a cloud-based supply chain management software platform, utilised by SCS JV for a variety of processes including Sourcing, Selection and Management of all suppliers, subcontractors, and contractors. All tender activity will be communicated via this platform following a successful prequalification and inclusion on a tender shortlist.
- The platform is free to use and allows the supply chain to access and respond to tender opportunities with ease.
- Upon inclusion on a tender shortlist, you will receive an invitation to join SourceDogg by a member of the SCS JV Procurement & Supply Chain Management Team.
Supplier Development
As a member of the SCS JV you will benefit from various Supplier Development opportunities including:
- Supply Chain Sustainability School
- Supply Chain Sustainability School is a free learning environment, upskilling those working within, or aspiring to work within, the built environment sector.
- They focus on 17 key topics of sustainability, as well as addressing topics in offsite, BIM, lean construction and management.
- The Supply Chain School aims to build a best-in-class supply chain for the UK construction and infrastructure sector that will enable the industry to deliver its 2025 objectives
- SCS Enterprise Academy
- The SCS JV Enterprise Academy is a free learning and development program to upskill the Construction industry and stimulate supply chain development
- The academy aims to increase supplier performance by learning about our key values.
- Suppliers involved will learn about key requirements which will help win future work and they will have the ability to support future infrastructure projects.