Putting Passengers First

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We run the company through 14 devolved route businesses supported by five Network Rail Regions, each led by a Managing Director and a senior leadership team who are accountable for effectively and efficiently delivering for customers and key stakeholders.
These businesses operate, maintain and renew infrastructure to deliver a safe and reliable railway for passengers and freight customers and are responsible for operations, maintenance and minor renewals, including the day-to-day delivery of train performance and the relationship with their local train operating companies.
Our 5 regions encompass multiple routes and transport hubs to better align operations with passengers’ and communities’ needs and the outcomes are made visible through route and customer scorecards.
The five Network Rail regions are Eastern, North West & Central, Scotland’s Railway, Southern and Wales & Western. These five regions were formed in June 2019 and have the budget and capability to take on more responsibility from other parts of the business.