YORhub framework has delivered £2Bn worth of projects

According to YORhub, a suite of three construction frameworks in the Yorkshire and Humber region, 15 communities across the area have successfully applied to the YOR4Good scheme in order to receive funding or construction labour, plants, and materials to support community projects.

The three YORhub frameworks in question include YORbuild, YORcivil, and YORconsult, and can be accessed by any local authority, public sector body, or third sector organisation within the region, having been currently used to deliver more than £2Bn worth of public sector construction projects for 80 organisations.

YOR4Good is the community grant initiative of YORhub and allocates the grant funding or resources between applicants within the areas of the member councils, which include: the East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Leeds City Council, Scarborough Borough Council, Sheffield City Council, and Rotherham Metropolitan Council.

In addition to this, eight other local groups to where YORhub contractors are currently operating have taken advantage of the offers for free labour and resources in order to aid with the construction of community projects.

Types of community projects which benefit from the YORhub framework include nature reserves, food growing schemes, community gardens, schools, and sports clubs.

Some examples of grant money and labour recipients also include the Apple Box Company Ltd in Leeds which received £10,000 for refurbishment and decoration, while Left Bank Leeds received £10,000 for hard and soft landscaping as well as seating.

Additionally, the Cleveland Mountain Rescue Team in Great Ayton, Middleborough received £10,000 for the removal of asbestos in addition to the ground preparations ahead of construction of the new car park, serving the rescue centre.

And lastly, the Foxglove Covert Local Nature Reserve at Catterick Garrison received £10,000 from the YOR4Good scheme to repair a lake bridge and boardwalk, while Rooted in Hull received £10,000 for scaffolding and decking walkways.

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