Transport Secretary sees plans for investment in Cornwall

Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin travelled to Cornwall to see how millions of pounds of government investment will increase connectivity across the county.

As part of the tour he heard the views of local people about plans to dual the A30 near Truro between Carland Cross to Chiverton Cross, a scheme announced in December 2014 as part of the government’s ambitious £15 billion Road investment strategy. This £250 million scheme will improve the road that links Exeter to Cambourne, a key route for local residents and businesses.

The Transport Secretary then took part in an turf-cutting ceremony to officially mark the start of a £56 million scheme to improve the A30 from Temple to Higher Carblake. The scheme, which is being implemented by Cornwall Council in partnership with the Highways Agency, will see a 2.8 mile section of the A30 upgraded to a dual carriageway, and 3 new junctions at Cardinham Downs, Preeze Cross and Temple For.

Patrick McLoughlin said:

“Boosting Cornwall’s road links will make the county an even more attractive destination for businesses and visitors.

I am absolutely committed to delivering the road, rail and air infrastructure Cornwall needs. This is a key part of the government’s long term economic plan to boost jobs and growth and improve the lives of hardworking families up and down the country.”

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