Ryden has won a four-year contract with the Scottish Children’s Reporter Administration (SCRA) to undertake the revaluation of its portfolio of 22 office properties for accounts purposes.
The property consultant’s valuation specialists have already started carrying out full inspections of SCRA’s assets; which are spread across Scotland including Edinburgh, Dundee, Perth and Paisley.
Ryden’s extensive experience of undertaking valuations for the public sector, particularly for local authorities, and its geographic spread across the country helped the firm to secure the appointment.
This latest contract win for Ryden is through the firm’s membership of the Regional Agent Partnership (RAP) which was formed with Sanderson Weatherall, Alder King, Harris Lamb and Budworth Hardcastle. Sanderson Weatherall, as lead contractor, was appointed as a supplier to Government Procurement Service (GPS) RM928 Estates Professional Service Framework 2013 and Ryden is appointed for this commission through this framework.
Partner Brian Ronnie heads up the Ryden team and commented:
“We are ideally placed to service this commission as we have the relevant people, experience and geographic coverage. We look forward to working alongside SCRA.”