Planning Consent for 850 Homes

Mott MacDonald and Transport for London (TfL) have been given planning consent by Ealing Council to deliver more than 850 new homes by redeveloping an underused brownfield site at Bollo Lane, Action, West London.

Mott MacDonald has provided all engineering design and specialist environmental services to support the planning application.

Located near the Piccadilly and District Railway line, Bollo Lane is one of the largest sites in TfL’s extensive portfolio of property development opportunities. This redevelopment will see the introduction of a series of buildings, ranging between four and 25 storeys in height, and will provide over 850 new homes, with 50% being affordable housing. The development will also deliver new public realm enhancements, including improving pedestrian routes, creating green corridors and linking Action Town Station and Chiswick Park.

The site will also provide more than 2,300 sqm of commercial space. Combined with the additional retail space that is included in the plans, the development will also contribute to and help to stimulate the local economy.

Jonathan Cornelius, Head of Property Development at TfL, said: “It is fantastic news to get the go-ahead for our plans at Bollo Lane in Acton Town. The proposals have been designed to reflect the area’s heritage and context, such as the Grade II-listed station next to it and will bring hundreds of much-needed homes to this part of London.

“The scheme has also been designed to benefit the local community with welcoming green spaces, improvements to pedestrian and cycling facilities and new commercial opportunities for local businesses. Securing this latest green light at planning committee is an important milestone as it is the largest site on which we have secured planning ourselves.”

Jonathan Todd, Mott MacDonald’s account leader for TfL Commercial and Property Development said: “Placemaking has been a key focus of the whole project team – to deliver a really high-quality scheme for TfL, and ultimately for the wider community in Acton. Working closely with HOK Architects, we’ve brought together our buildings design and transport engineering expertise, as well our environmental and sustainability know-how to ensure the development opportunities on this constrained site are optimised and deliver significant positive social outcomes.”

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