Homes England have received approval to begin construction of up to 3,000 new homes on a 200 hectare site, named the Northern Arc, in Burgess Hill, Mid Sussex, over the course of a 15 year period, with nearly a third of the homes being reserved as affordable housing.
The Northern Arc site will also witness the construction of various important facilities for the coming community, including three neighbourhood centres and three new schools, which will accordingly provide opportunities for employment.
Initial works on the site will include infrastructural developments such as the establishment of a bridge and link road between Isaacs Lane and Freeks Farm which, subject to the granting of planning approval, will take place in early 2020.
Furthermore, the construction of the first homes at Freeks Farm will commence in 2020 as well, with the construction of other link roads and a roundabout scheduled so that traffic pressures and congestion on the current routes will be lessened.
The Head of Strategic Land at Homes England, Ken Glendinning stated: “This flagship scheme will provide existing and new residents with a mix of affordable and market priced homes to buy and rent alongside schools, new community, leisure, health facilities and employment opportunities in Burgess Hill.
“We developed our plans following discussions with the local community as well as working closely with Mid Sussex District Council and West Sussex County Council to ensure that the necessary infrastructure will be delivered at the right time.
“Over the next three years, we plan to invest around £41M in vital new infrastructure at the Northern Arc. This will unlock these needed new homes in Mid Sussex, making homes happen faster and ensuring they are a real benefit to the local community. The new infrastructure will relieve traffic pressure and provide better links in this part of Mid Sussex.”
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