A new £23 million integrated Health and Wellbeing Village in Bridgend is to get an £18 million funding boost from the Welsh Government.
Spanning 4.6 acres, the project at Sunnyside, Bridgend is to include a GP surgery, general needs and supported housing. Along with this, the presence of community services will form part of a much larger Health and Wellbeing Village, which will promote physical and mental health along with better signposts to care and support within the community and reduce social isolation.
This new development will connect to the Bridgend Life Centre, which incorporates a library, community café, wellness service, sports and recreational facilities including provision of a GP exercise referral service linked to Newbridge Fields.
The village is being designed to provide care closer to home, and will provide 59 affordable homes, six of which will be supported homes for those who have physical, as well as learning disabilities, along with ten flats to help people transition from care or supported accommodation. There will also be a dedicated room for third sector and outreach services to use.
The project is receiving £10.7m from the NHS Wales Capital Programme, £6.6m from Social Housing Grant and the Housing Finance Grant, £480,000 from the Integrated Care Fund capital programme and £315,000 Transforming Towns’ Green Infrastructure Funding, alongside private finance. The development is a partnership between Welsh Government, the Cwm Taf Morgannwg Health Board, Bridgend CBC and Linc Cymru Housing Association.
The Minister for Mental Health, Wellbeing and the Welsh Language, Eluned Morgan said: “The coronavirus pandemic has shone a light on the importance of mental health and wellbeing. The new health and wellbeing village in Bridgend, will provide a major boost to community care and wellbeing by accommodating a wide range of Health and Wellbeing resources, including support for frail and older people, vulnerable young people and people with learning difficulties. This should avoid unnecessary admissions to hospital or residential care and delays when someone is due to be discharged from care.
This project has been a true example of collaboration between the Health Board, Bridgend County Borough Council and Linc Cymru to deliver a fit-for-purpose multi-faceted centre to provide wrap around support for some of our most vulnerable people.”
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The post New Health and Wellbeing Village for Bridgend appeared first on UK Construction Online.