More Opportunities

CompeteFor has thrived following its successful use by the London 2012 authorities. It continues to be a major driver for competition, innovation and diversity, ensuring value for money for every taxpayer in an unprecedented way.

Since the Games, over 6,000 new users have registered and over 1,000 opportunities have been posted on the portal. The service has presented SMEs with opportunities to win business and will shortly be introducing the following new features, which will make more opportunities available to users.

Regional Opportunities

The CompeteFor service will soon be updated to offer all CompeteFor users FREE opportunity alerts for a region of their choice, along with the currently available supply chain opportunity alerts, allowing suppliers to gain access to more opportunities and grow their business. Suppliers can choose to upgrade to receive opportunities from larger regions, for which there will be a charge.

New CompeteFor Buyers

CompeteFor will shortly be welcoming a number of new buying organisations to the service including the Thames Tideway Tunnel project, the Metropolitan Police, the London Fire Brigade and various London Boroughs.

Enhanced Search Function

Various updates have been added to the Search Opportunities function, including the option to search by region and search by multiple keywords.

For more information regarding the future direction of CompeteFor, please refer to theĀ About Page.

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