More Opportunities, More SME Friendly

As a registered user on CompeteFor, you have free access to business opportunities made available from major buying organisation such as Crossrail and Thames Tideway Tunnel and those from their supply chains – giving you access to contract opportunities from UK capital infrastructure projects.

We’re now working with the Supply Service, a national SME engagement programme in order to bring you even more business opportunities.

What is the Supply Service and how does it work?

Supply Service is in addition to CompeteFor. Working with the Supply Service, CompeteFor users are now offered free access to other business opportunities in a local Supply Service area of their choice.

Users can choose to upgrade their Supply Service offer by subscribing to receive tender opportunities from wider geographical areas.

How will I find out about CompeteFor and Supply Service business opportunities?

To ensure that users receive visibility of all the new opportunities available, the CompeteFor email alerts have been updated. Users will now receive a daily email alert detailing both CompeteFor business opportunities and free local area Supply Service opportunities.

Information about other Supply Service opportunities available will also be included in the daily email alerts, allowing users to upgrade their Supply Service subscription if they wish to.

Users can change their email alert preferences to match their requirements. If you need any help or support, please contact the CompeteFor Helpdesk.

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