The construction and property group Kier has been awarded a position on the five-year IP Western and Wales CP6 Framework for Network Rail after having been appointed to the Signalling, Power, and Communication (SPC) and Electrification and Plant (EP) Lot.
The Western and Wales CP6 Framework is, as has already been established, five years in duration but can also be extended by a further three years to make the potential duration of this framework eight years in total, with a potential turnover value of some £40M.
Specifically, contracts that will be awarded to Kier through this framework will entail the carrying out of SPC and EP works on: power supply systems, LV Distribution systems, non-traction HV electrical sub-stations and compounds, operational lighting, points heating, tunnel ventilation, operational plant, power supplies, telecoms, remote monitoring systems, minor signalling design and consultancy, and minor signalling.
Kier has already carried out a large quantity of work on behalf of National Rail through User Worked Crossing Upgrades for Signalling and Civils installations and what this appointment to the CP6 Framework will consolidate is a healthy and consistent pipeline of work within the railway infrastructure sector across Wales and Western England.
The Group Managing Director at Kier Utilities and Rail, Barry McNicholas stated: “This appointment develops and strengthens our ability to deliver regional rail engineering, signalling, electrification and plant and crossing upgrades throughout CP6 and plays into our business strategy to expand our geographical coverage in the area.
“It builds on our expertise in the SP&C and E&P sectors and allows us to bring local value and investment to communities in the area.”
Kier’s utilisation of construction frameworks has been extremely prominent recently following their appointment to a total of eighteen Lots on the Crown Commercial Service’s new Construction Framework.
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