To continue to support SME engagement and growth, CompeteFor is partnered with Supply, the National SME engagement programme. This gives CompeteFor users the opportunity to upgrade their subscription to include contracts from the UK’s largest database of public sector opportunities!
Supply recognises the opportunities held by the Public Sector, a marketplace worth over £238 Billion, and provides SME’s with all the tools and knowledge needed to successfully compete for public sector business.
As well as their research team actively monitoring over 1000 UK contract sources every day to deliver the largest volume of UK non-OJEU contracts, Supply also has direct feeds from many public sector contract services, meaning you don’t have to worry about ever missing a potential growth opportunity.
Supply contracts are not just from central and local government, but from every public sector body that has a requirement for your business’s services: however specialised, large or small. Their extensive research means they have substantially more contract opportunities than other providers; and even services provided by Government itself.