Government Digital Service announces plans to run a national digital academy.

On his first official visit to the Government Digital Service Ben Gummer announces three projects alongside Director General Kevin Cunnington.

Speaking to over 500 members of staff at Aviation House, the Minister for the Cabinet Office announced that the successful DWP Digital Academy Service will be moved to GDS to build capability across government, giving GDS a real national presence for the very first time.

He confirmed that staff in Aviation House will be moving to modern and expanded offices to create a new Digital HQ and a digital hub in the heart of Aldgate.

The minister also announced that GOV.UK Pay has now taken its first transaction and is ready for business with services to come online from the autumn. The actual first live payment was made on Till Wirth’s credit card, the product manager of the new service, in front of the GDS senior team and Kevin Cunnington.

The Government’s Digital Transformation Strategy is also going to be updated to match the new and larger remit of GDS and to take into account the EU referendum vote and the challenges that the Civil Service now face.

Ben Gummer, Minister for the Cabinet Office and Paymaster General, said:

“These are significant moments, not just for GDS and the Cabinet Office, but for the millions of people who use Government services every day.

Our message is clear: we are working hard to make life easier for the people of the UK. We want our services to be simple, easy and efficient – I’m here today to reaffirm that commitment.”

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