Corridor Growth Fund invests in Manchester research and jobs

The Manchester City Council-managed Corridor Growth Fund (CGF) has made two further awards.

The awards, to Veraz Limited and Elucigene Diagnostics, who are both expanding in or relocating to Manchester Science Park (MSP), the core science and tech campus for Manchester Science Partnerships, in a combination of laboratory and office space.

The CGF is a £2 million fund managed by Manchester City Council, and supported by the Government’s Regional Growth Fund, to back research and development-related employment growth in the city’s Corridor area. Grant funding totalling £1.66 million has been provided through 14 awards, helping create 106 jobs and safeguard a further 13 since May 2013.

Veraz Limited innovate and design products to improve the management of processes in the workplace. They were awarded £59,962 from the CGF with an application centred on creating up to four full-time positions over 12 months and lowering their costs of R&D in conjunction with the Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (CMFT). The funding also means they can extend and further develop their Green Badge System (GBS). The GBS ensures hand hygiene protocols are adhered to in hospitals, leading to a reduction in Healthcare Associated Infections contamination.

Since 2013, Elucigene Diagnostics have expanded to approximately 2,000 sq ft at MSP’s MedTech Centre and are planning to move to a larger, purpose-built facility later this year at MSP’s new Citylabs development on the University Hospitals campus.

Sir Richard Leese, leader of Manchester City Council, said:

“Manchester’s science and research base is one of the city’s key strengths and it is important that we continue to encourage it to help promote the city’s economic growth. This has always been an innovative city and the Corridor Growth Fund is making a contribution towards ensuring that continues.”

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