At a special event at Birmingham University on 4 December, a plan to make the Midlands an ‘engine’ of growth was unveiled.
The Midlands Engine will be focused on 5 primary themes – skills, innovation, transport, promoting the ‘Engine’, and finance for business. The ‘Engine’ is a product of the coming together of 11 Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) with the aim of boosting productivity, attracting increased investment, increase connectivity and improve tourism in the region.
The CBI today commented on the announcement of the Midlands Engine Prospectus, agreed by eleven Local Enterprise Partnerships.
Richard Butler, CBI West Midlands Director, said:
“This new deal will spur our local authorities on the ground support jobs and growth, by reaching new markets at home and abroad. By focusing on skills, innovation, transport and finance for business, this prospectus has identified the right drivers for growth that could increase productivity across the entire of the Midlands.
“The region has significant economic clout – it’s great to see its business talent being recognised and harnessed.”