Boost for business as government backs new enterprise zones

Businesses across the country have been given a major boost after the government outlined plans to launch 2 new enterprise zones while extending several more of the thriving business hubs.

Under measures announced by the Chancellor in the Budget, both Blackpool and Plymouth are in line to become the latest places to benefit from the top-class business incentives and world-class infrastructure that enterprise zones bring to their local economies and communities.

The government is also looking to extend the Discovery Park Enterprise Zone in Kent, while extensions have been rubber-stamped for Motor Industry Research Association Technology Park in the Midlands, Tees, Humber, Leeds, Mersey Waters, Manchester and Oxford.

The enterprise zones estimate that over their 25-year lifespan these measures could deliver at least an extra 3.3 million square metres of state-of-the-art workspace – the equivalent of more than 460 Wembley football pitches – and provide space for thousands of more jobs.

Local Growth Minister Penny Mordaunt said:

“Enterprise zones are driving forward our economy, creating thousands of jobs and attracting billions of pounds in private investment.

Extending the programme as part of our long-term economic plan means we can build on that success, allowing hundreds more companies to benefit from the top-class business incentives and world-class infrastructure that these thriving business hubs offer.

It will mean thousands more jobs for hard-working people and a real boost to local business.”

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