Bassetlaw signs 15-year housing contract

Bassetlaw District Council has agreed a new contract with A1 Housing (Bassetlaw Ltd) to manage the Council’s housing stock for the next 15 years, giving both tenants and staff peace of mind, reassurance and continuity for the future.

A1 Housing was originally set up in 2004 as an Arm’s Length Pictured is Cllr Simon Greaves with A1 Housing Chairman Mike BowskillManagement Organisation (ALMO) to deliver the Government’s ‘Decent Homes’ programme. Over the last eight years, around 6500 council owned properties in Bassetlaw have been brought up to the Decent Homes Standard by A1 Housing.

The new agreement will begin in April 2015 and will see closer working between the Council and A1 Housing, with some services shared. There will also be a focus on areas of diversification for the ALMO as it looks to further contribute to the economic, social and environmental well-being of the area and the people served by the Council.

Mark Ladyman, Director of Regeneration and Neighbourhoods at Bassetlaw District Council said: “The decision to award A1 Housing a 15 year contract reflects the quality of services and delivery of decent homes provided by our ALMO over the last eight years. It also shows the Authorities confidence in A1 Housing to provide quality services beyond decent homes. The length of contract will provide our tenants with continuity in how their properties and tenancies are managed and offers A1 Housing the security to further improve and evolve services.”

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