An Update For Users

We are currently improving the CompeteFor website by adding value-added services for users to complement the existing, free CompeteFor service

A number of changes relating to the value-added services were initially made to the CompeteFor website in July, and a second round of changes has recently taken place. However, following feedback from users, we have suspended some functionality to allow us to make further user journey improvements. We expect to make these improvements and reintroduce the value-added services within the next few weeks.

Users will also see further new services added to the website over the coming weeks and months, and will be kept informed through regular e-newsletters and announcements.

CompeteFor remains a free service – this includes registering on the website, posting opportunities as a buyer and responding to opportunities as a potential supplier and this is not affected by the value-added services being introduced. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the CompeteFor Helpdesk on 0845 217 7804 (Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm).

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