A27 Arundel consultation draws to a close

At the end of August this year, a process of public consultation was commenced on plans for the improvements to the A27 route in Arundel, West Sussex, but now just two weeks remain for people to voice their own opinions on whether the route needs improving and which of the six potential routes would be best.

According to Highways England, the A27 route in West Sussex is currently one of the worst congestion bottlenecks in the country, with 79 per cent of consultation respondents agreeing that the route needs improvement.

All of the aforesaid six proposed routes for the A27 show the new route linking the two dual carriageway routes on either side of Arundel, thus removing the bottleneck entirely and improving journeys and journey times for motorists, although it would mean intruding upon the historic town.

The Highways England A27 Arundel Bypass Programme Leader, Jason Hones stated: “There is clear demand for upgrading the A27 at Arundel, but also genuine concerns about protecting Arundel’s unique cultural heritage and prized environment.

“We are approaching the consultation with a completely open mind and the six proposals we have published allow a more detailed comparison than ever before. People’s input on all the options will be vital in helping us find the right solution that balances the needs of drivers, communities and the environment.

“I encourage everyone who has an opinion to have their say, even if they took part in the previous consultation.”

The current dual carriageways on either side of Arundel were not originally designed to contain the amount of traffic which they now do and are therefore outdated.

Highways England hosted a total of ten information exhibitions at venues across the local area over the course of the consultation period which will official draw to a close on the 24th October 2019.

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