£32m to Transform Norwich Transport Network

On 25 September Roads Minister Baroness Vere announced more than £32 million in Government funding to help overhaul local transport links in Norwich. The finding package is part of the UK Government’s wider commitment to levelling up and accelerating transport infrastructure investment across the country.

Funding comes from the Transforming Cities Fund (TCF) and will be used to improve and develop local transport links. This includes a new bus interchange at Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, which will help improve what has been a congestion hotspot for motorists.

Other projects proposed by Norfolk County Council include improvements and upgrading to cycle and pedestrian crossing facilities at the Mile Cross Ring Road and a redesign of the Heartsease Highway Junction, which will enable bus operators to provide more efficient and reliable services, whilst also improving cycle and pedestrian use of the junction.

Changes brought in through the TCF funding will help improve journey times, cut pollution and boost the local economy.

Roads Minister Baroness Vere said: “The Transforming Cities Fund allows cities across the UK to enhance their local transport networks. This multi-million-pound funding package will make a real difference to the everyday lives of Norwich’s residents, helping people access jobs and services.

“As a government we are committed to levelling up transport infrastructure across the country, boosting local economies, enhancing local connectivity, and enabling regions to build back better from COVID-19. Today’s funding will do just that, transforming how Norwich residents get about the city.”

The TCF was set up to build on transport links and boost local economies within city regions, and it is hoped the funding package will help Norwich bounce back from the economic impact of coronavirus.

Last week’s announcement follows a previous grant of £6 million awarded to Norfolk County Council last year.

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