The Minister for Natural Resources, Carl Sargeant has announced £1.9 million of further Welsh Government funding for coastal defence improvements in West Rhyl.
The investment brings Welsh Government funding to £6.3 million for the overall scheme which, once completed, will mean a reduced flood risk to over 2,600 residential homes and commercial properties in the area.
The scheme will see improvements to the original, vulnerable sea wall, built over 70 years ago and will include the construction of a concrete revetment, wave walls and a widened promenade to provide a wave splash zone.
During a visit to Rhyl the Minister said:
“I am delighted to be here today to announce this significant funding for the final phase of the West Rhyl costal defence scheme. This investment is being supported by £2 million of European funding and £520,000 from Denbighshire County Council and will be of real benefit to a community who will be all too aware the impact that flooding can have.
This term of Government will see over £245 million of Welsh Government investment in flood and coastal erosion risk management, supported by an additional £50 million from Europe. This demonstrates our commitment to do everything possible to protect communities by managing the risks of flooding.
I’d also like to commend Natural Resources Wales, who have today published their delivery plan to take forward the recommendations contained within the Coastal Flooding Review. I am pleased to be able to announce an additional £150,000 of funding for NRW in the next financial year to assist in progressing the recommendations I look forward to continuing to work with them and relevant organisations across Wales to ensure that we do all that we can to mitigate against the effects of flooding and keep our communities safe.”