EKFB JV - G2S - Green Tunnel - Green Roof Design & Build | Notice | Closed | 05/02/25 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 29/01/25 |
EKFB JV - G2S - Green Tunnel Laser Screeding | Notice | Closed | 29/01/25 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 21/01/25 |
EKFB JV - Mobile Elevating Work Platforms hire-Routewide | Notice | Closed | 28/01/25 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 14/01/25 |
EKFB JV - Supply of Portable Weighbridges - Opportunity | Notice | Closed | 04/10/24 | E: GBP 50k to 100k | 20/09/24 |
Laboratory testing of hardened properties of slurry wall material copy | Notice | Closed | 20/09/24 | Not Disclosed | 12/09/24 |
EKFB JV - Underpass Cycle Track | Notice | Closed | 28/08/24 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 14/08/24 |
EKFB JV - Accommodation Works - Civils and Highway Works | Notice | Closed | 19/08/24 | K: GBP 2.5m to 5m | 08/08/24 |
EKFB JV - Accommodation Works - Landscaping, Fencing and Gates | Notice | Closed | 19/08/24 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 08/08/24 |
EKFB JV - Accommodation Works - Land Drainage | Notice | Closed | 19/08/24 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 08/08/24 |
EKFB JV - Accommodation Works - Utility Works mainly water services and connections | Notice | Closed | 19/08/24 | K: GBP 2.5m to 5m | 08/08/24 |
EKFB JV - Precast concrete panels forming part of route wide acoustic barrier - NEC Subcontract Works | Notice | Closed | 02/08/24 | O: GBP 20m - 30m | 29/07/24 |
EKFB JV - Weathering steel columns (test units) forming part of route wide acoustic barrier - NEC Subcontract Works | Notice | Closed | 02/08/24 | D: GBP 25k to 50k | 26/07/24 |
QR code management system | Notice | Closed | 04/07/24 | A: Up to GBP 5k | 28/06/24 |
EKFB JV - Mechanical & Electrical Works for Green Tunnel Portal Buildings - Power Supply System Package | Notice | Closed | 05/07/24 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 24/06/24 |
EKFB JV - Mechanical & Electrical Works for Green Tunnel Portal Buildings - Fire Hydrant System Package | Notice | Closed | 05/07/24 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 24/06/24 |
EKFB JV - Mechanical & Electrical Works for Green Tunnel Portal Buildings - Uninterupted Power System Package | Notice | Closed | 05/07/24 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 24/06/24 |
EKFB JV - Mechanical & Electrical Works for Green Tunnel Portal Buildings - Power And Other Small Works System Package | Notice | Closed | 05/07/24 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 24/06/24 |
EKFB JV - Mechanical & Electrical Works for Green Tunnel Portal Building Normal Emergency Lighting Package | Notice | Closed | 05/07/24 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 24/06/24 |
EKFB JV - Mechanical & Electrical Works for Green Tunnel Portal Building Mechanical Heat Recovery Package | Notice | Closed | 05/07/24 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 24/06/24 |
EKFB JV - Mechanical & Electrical Works for Green Tunnel Portal Building Mechanical Cooling System Package | Notice | Closed | 05/07/24 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 24/06/24 |
EKFB JV - Mechanical & Electrical Works for Green Tunnel Portal Building Fire Gas Suppression System Package | Notice | Closed | 05/07/24 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 24/06/24 |
EKFB JV - Mechanical & Electrical Works for Green Tunnel Portal Building Electrical Heating System Package | Notice | Closed | 05/07/24 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 24/06/24 |
EKFB JV - Mechanical & Electrical Works for Green Tunnel Portal Building Cable Management System Package | Notice | Closed | 05/07/24 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 24/06/24 |
Pond Lining - Twyford to Greatworth | Notice | Closed | 07/06/24 | E: GBP 50k to 100k | 31/05/24 |
Galvanised Metal Embankment Staircases - Twyford to Greatworth | Notice | Closed | 28/05/24 | F: GBP 100k to 150k | 21/05/24 |
EKFB - Water & Gas Membrane | Notice | Closed | 08/05/24 | E: GBP 50k to 100k | 01/05/24 |
EKFB Highways Kerbing Paving & Parking Bays - G2S AS | Notice | Closed | 10/05/24 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 24/04/24 |
EKFB JV - Bat Acoustic Deterrent | Notice | Closed | 12/04/24 | E: GBP 50k to 100k | 28/03/24 |
U100 plastic sample tube provider | Notice | Closed | 07/03/24 | E: GBP 50k to 100k | 28/02/24 |
EKFB JV - Greatworth Dry Valley drop inlet Culvert -Pipe Jacking | Notice | Closed | 11/12/23 | K: GBP 2.5m to 5m | 04/12/23 |
EKFB JV - Viaducts underslab drainage contractor JD | Notice | Closed | 16/10/23 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 02/10/23 |
EKFB JV - Supply of 2nr Material Handlers with Spoil Grabs | Notice | Closed | 20/10/23 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 27/09/23 |
Cement mix, pump hire service | Notice | Closed | 21/08/23 | E: GBP 50k to 100k | 11/08/23 |
EKFB - Drainage Materials - Supply Only - Framework Opportunity | Notice | Closed | 22/08/23 | M: GBP 5m - 10m | 11/08/23 |
EKFB CCTV (drainage surveys) G2S SH | Notice | Closed | 30/06/23 | F: GBP 100k to 150k | 21/06/23 |
EKFB JV – Route wide landscaping - NEC Subcontract Works | Notice | Closed | 05/07/23 | O: GBP 20m - 30m | 21/06/23 |
EKFB Traffic Signs G2S SH | Notice | Closed | 23/06/23 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 15/06/23 |
Manufacture and Suply of Steel Tube Piles | Notice | Closed | 23/06/23 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 14/06/23 |
Suply of Steel Tube Piles | Notice | Withdrawn | 23/06/23 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 12/06/23 |
EKFB JV - Fluvial Geomorphology Technical Support | Notice | Closed | 20/06/23 | E: GBP 50k to 100k | 12/06/23 |
Bulk Tankers for Transporting Powder | Notice | Cancelled | 17/04/23 | D: GBP 25k to 50k | 06/04/23 |
EKFB G2S Oxford Canal - Supply of "Ironstone" Walling/cladding | Notice | Closed | 11/04/23 | Not Disclosed | 29/03/23 |
Laboratory testing of hardened properties of slurry wall material | Notice | Cancelled | 20/02/23 | Not Disclosed | 10/02/23 |
EKFB - Gritting | Notice | Closed | 03/02/23 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 24/01/23 |
EKFB JV - Trackside Drainage - In-situ Drainage Channels (Labour and Plant) | Notice | Closed | 17/02/23 | O: GBP 20m - 30m | 23/01/23 |
EKFB JV - Trackside Drainage - Pipework (Labour and Plant) | Notice | Closed | 17/02/23 | O: GBP 20m - 30m | 23/01/23 |
Concrete and Pile Testing | Notice | Cancelled | 13/01/23 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 09/01/23 |
EKFB Site Welding andLight Metal Fabrication JD | Notice | Cancelled | 20/01/23 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 23/12/22 |
Guidewall Rev1 | Notice | Cancelled | 13/01/23 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 15/12/22 |
Supply of Plasticizer Rev1 | Notice | Cancelled | 13/01/23 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 15/12/22 |
Supply of Magnesium Oxide Rev 1 | Notice | Cancelled | 13/01/23 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 15/12/22 |
Supply of GGBS Rev 1 | Notice | Cancelled | 13/01/23 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 15/12/22 |
Supply of CEM1/OPC copy | Notice | Cancelled | 13/01/23 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 15/12/22 |
Supply of CEM1/OPC | Notice | Cancelled | 11/12/22 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 02/12/22 |
Supply of GGBS | Notice | Cancelled | 11/12/22 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 02/12/22 |
Supply of Magnesium Oxide | Notice | Cancelled | 11/12/22 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 02/12/22 |
Supply of Plasticizer | Notice | Cancelled | 11/12/22 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 02/12/22 |
Guidewall | Notice | Cancelled | 11/12/22 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 02/12/22 |
EKFB - Greatworth to Southam - Street Lighting | Notice | Closed | 10/12/22 | E: GBP 50k to 100k | 01/12/22 |
EKFB - Greatworth to Southam- Highway Vehicle Restraint System | Notice | Awarded | 10/12/22 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 01/12/22 |
EKFB - Greatworth to Southam - Surfacing (highways) | Notice | Closed | 10/12/22 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 01/12/22 |
Bridge Deck Waterproofing G2S SH | Notice | Awarded | 08/12/22 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 30/11/22 |
EKFB JV - Highways Works Calvert South | Notice | Cancelled | 09/12/22 | M: GBP 5m - 10m | 28/11/22 |
EKFB JV - Storage Facility - (TD LCC) | Notice | Closed | 01/12/22 | E: GBP 50k to 100k | 18/11/22 |
EKFB JV - Stop Logs, Trash Barriers and Handrail - T2G - SW | Notice | Closed | 21/11/22 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 11/11/22 |
EKFB JV - Wastewater Disposal | Notice | Withdrawn | 11/11/22 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 10/11/22 |
Concrete Testing | Notice | Closed | 24/10/22 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 14/10/22 |
EKFB Subcontract works for prefabricated Reinforcement - T2G | Notice | Cancelled | 19/10/22 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 06/10/22 |
EKFB Installation of Cut and Bent Reinforcement - T2G | Notice | Cancelled | 19/10/22 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 06/10/22 |
T2G - Vehicle Restraint Barrier (VRS) | Notice | Closed | 10/10/22 | D: GBP 25k to 50k | 03/10/22 |
EKFB JV – Route wide Permanent Fencing and gates (steel and timber) - NEC Subcontract Works | Notice | Closed | 07/10/22 | P: GBP 30m - 40m | 29/09/22 |
1200mm OD Pipe installation at Calvert North | Notice | Closed | 07/10/22 | Not Disclosed | 28/09/22 |
EKFB JV - Land Maintenance | Notice | Closed | 07/10/22 | M: GBP 5m - 10m | 23/09/22 |
EKFB JV - Precast water Storage tank | Notice | Awarded | 28/09/22 | Not Disclosed | 21/09/22 |
EKFB JV - Dewatering within T2G | Notice | Awarded | 26/09/22 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 16/09/22 |
EKFB Accommodation / Civil Works | Notice | Awarded | 16/09/22 | E: GBP 50k to 100k | 06/09/22 |
Watercourse Diversion High Furlong Brook | Notice | Closed | 02/09/22 | G: GBP 150k to 250k | 25/08/22 |
A41 Realignment Permanent Surfacing | Notice | Awarded | 30/08/22 | K: GBP 2.5m to 5m | 17/08/22 |
EKFB - Crawler Cranes (Additional Resource) - Framework Opportunity | Notice | Closed | 26/08/22 | M: GBP 5m - 10m | 15/08/22 |
Supply and Installation of Person detection system for operated plant | Notice | Awarded | 15/08/22 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 09/08/22 |
EKFB Diamond Drilling - T2G | Notice | Closed | 08/08/22 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 27/07/22 |
EKFB JV - Supply of Bridge Deck Sub Surface drainage | Notice | Cancelled | 15/07/22 | Not Disclosed | 30/06/22 |
EKFB JV - Supply of Bridge Deck Reservoir Board | Notice | Cancelled | 23/06/22 | Not Disclosed | 14/06/22 |
EKFB Private Land Services/ Utilities G2S area | Notice | Awarded | 24/06/22 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 10/06/22 |
EKFB JV - Bird Control Services | Notice | Closed | 23/06/22 | Not Disclosed | 07/06/22 |
Calvert - Perry Hill Road Realignment Safety Barrier Installation | Notice | Closed | 20/05/22 | F: GBP 100k to 150k | 05/05/22 |
EKFB - Plant & Equipment Recovery - Framework Opportunity | Notice | Closed | 17/05/22 | G: GBP 150k to 250k | 04/05/22 |
Calvert - School Hill Culvert installation and FRC works - Template copy copy | Notice | Closed | 09/05/22 | G: GBP 150k to 250k | 02/05/22 |
EKFB Grass Cutting - SW | Notice | Closed | 19/05/22 | Not Disclosed | 29/04/22 |
Calvert - School Hill Culvert installation and FRC works - Template copy | Notice | Closed | 09/05/22 | G: GBP 150k to 250k | 28/04/22 |
Calvert - Portway Culvert installation and FRC works | Notice | Awarded | 09/05/22 | Not Disclosed | 27/04/22 |
EKFB Scaffolding T2G - SW | Notice | Awarded | 04/05/22 | Not Disclosed | 22/04/22 |
EKFB JV - Accommodation Providers - Routewide | Notice | Cancelled | 31/05/22 | K: GBP 2.5m to 5m | 13/04/22 |
EKFB JV - Superstructure Works at Sheephouse Wood Bat Mitigation Structure (900m long PCC BEBO Arch & FRP Mesh Panels) | Notice | Closed | 21/04/22 | Not Disclosed | 07/04/22 |
White Collar Recruitment Rev 1 | Notice | Closed | 11/04/22 | Not Disclosed | 05/04/22 |
Blue Collar Recruitment Rev 1 | Notice | Closed | 11/04/22 | Not Disclosed | 05/04/22 |
EKFB JV - Training - Routewide Framework | Notice | Cancelled | 19/04/22 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 05/04/22 |
Recycling/Reusing/Repurposing of Hi-Vis Workwear/PPE | Notice | Closed | 12/04/22 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 05/04/22 |
Temporary Acoustic Barriers - Timber | Notice | Cancelled | 25/04/22 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 29/03/22 |
Blackgrove Road Huts Asbestos Remoal | Notice | Closed | 01/04/22 | Not Disclosed | 24/03/22 |
EKFB JV - Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER inspections) for Excavators | Notice | Closed | 07/04/22 | Not Disclosed | 23/03/22 |
EKFB JV - Hospitality Wifi - Routewide | Notice | ITT Issued | 18/03/22 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 09/03/22 |
EKFB - Plant & Equipment Recovery - Framework Opportunity | Notice | Cancelled | 31/03/22 | G: GBP 150k to 250k | 09/03/22 |
Calvert - West Street OverBridge FRC | Notice | Closed | 31/03/22 | Not Disclosed | 08/03/22 |
Calvert - Road paving | Notice | Awarded | 10/03/22 | Not Disclosed | 04/03/22 |
EKFB JV - Hydroseeding | Notice | Closed | 11/03/22 | Not Disclosed | 28/02/22 |
EKFB JV - Drainage Contractor | Notice | Cancelled | 04/03/22 | Not Disclosed | 17/02/22 |
EKFB JV Kerb Laying (Bridge Decks and surrounding area) | Notice | Closed | 03/03/22 | Not Disclosed | 17/02/22 |
EKFB JV - Independent Fabrication Quality Control | Notice | Withdrawn | 25/02/22 | Not Disclosed | 17/02/22 |
EKFB JV - Soil Nailing | Notice | Cancelled | 03/03/22 | Not Disclosed | 11/02/22 |
EKFB JV - Supply of Sheet Piling and Steel Capping Beams | Notice | Cancelled | 23/02/22 | Not Disclosed | 10/02/22 |
EKFB JV - Testing Requirements Relating to Precast Concrete Acoustic Barriers - NEC Subcontract Works | Notice | Closed | 11/02/22 | Not Disclosed | 28/01/22 |
Transport services for Hiabs | Notice | Closed | 28/01/22 | Not Disclosed | 17/01/22 |
Transport services for General haulage | Notice | Closed | 28/01/22 | Not Disclosed | 17/01/22 |
Transport services for Heavy haulage | Notice | Closed | 28/01/22 | Not Disclosed | 17/01/22 |
Bored pile casing and tooling required | Notice | Closed | 21/12/21 | Not Disclosed | 14/12/21 |
EKFB - Continuous Surface Wave (CSW) Testing - Routewide | Notice | Awarded | 17/12/21 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 10/12/21 |
EKFB JV - FRC Works at Sheephouse Wood Bat Mitigation Structure (35,000m3) | Notice | Cancelled | 20/12/21 | P: GBP 30m - 40m | 29/11/21 |
EKFB JV - Mechanical & Electrical Works at Sheephouse Wood Bat Mitigation Structure (Service Buildings only) | Notice | Closed | 20/12/21 | Not Disclosed | 29/11/21 |
EKFB JV - Building Works at Sheephouse Wood Bat Mitigation Structure (Service Buildings only) | Notice | Closed | 20/12/21 | Not Disclosed | 29/11/21 |
EKFB JV - Civil Engineering/Ground Works to Sheephouse Wood Bat Mitigation Structure (Service Buildings only) | Notice | Closed | 20/12/21 | Not Disclosed | 29/11/21 |
EKFB Precast Concrete Planks -SW | Notice | Awarded | 30/11/21 | Not Disclosed | 23/11/21 |
EKFB JV - Supply of PCC Headwalls | Notice | Closed | 07/12/21 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 16/11/21 |
EKFB JV - Hydraulic Hoses | Notice | Closed | 19/11/21 | F: GBP 100k to 150k | 05/11/21 |
EKFB JV - Calvert South - Installation of Reinforced Earth Embankment (Station Road Overbridge) | Notice | Cancelled | 03/12/21 | Not Disclosed | 05/11/21 |
Full Size CPR Training Manikin required | Notice | Cancelled | 12/11/21 | Not Disclosed | 05/11/21 |
EKFB JV - Civil Engineering/Ground Works to Green Tunnel Services Building | Notice | Closed | 19/11/21 | Not Disclosed | 05/11/21 |
Continuous polythene layflat tubing | Notice | Cancelled | 09/11/21 | Not Disclosed | 02/11/21 |
Slipform Guidewall | Notice | Closed | 02/11/21 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 26/10/21 |
EKFB JV – Installation of de-watering system (filter drains) at Greatworth Green Tunnel | Notice | Closed | 01/11/21 | Not Disclosed | 18/10/21 |
Small plant equipment required for purchase | Notice | Cancelled | 22/10/21 | Not Disclosed | 15/10/21 |
Security Services | Notice | Cancelled | 15/10/21 | Not Disclosed | 08/10/21 |
EKFB JV Ecology Works | Notice | Awarded | 21/10/21 | Not Disclosed | 08/10/21 |
IT Supplies required | Notice | Closed | 13/10/21 | A: Up to GBP 5k | 06/10/21 |
Setting Out Services - Template copy | Notice | Withdrawn | 13/10/21 | A: Up to GBP 5k | 06/10/21 |
Silos/tanks required | Notice | Cancelled | 04/10/21 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 27/09/21 |
EKFB - Supply of Cement | Notice | Cancelled | 20/09/21 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 02/09/21 |
EKFB JV - Highways Works Calvert South | Notice | Closed | 07/09/21 | M: GBP 5m - 10m | 17/08/21 |
EKFB JV - Pile Cap Cropping | Notice | Awarded | 18/08/21 | Not Disclosed | 11/08/21 |
EKFB - Plant Puncture Repairs & Tyres - Framework Opportunity | Notice | Awarded | 23/08/21 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 02/08/21 |
Water Proofing Materials for Culverts | Notice | Closed | 11/08/21 | Not Disclosed | 28/07/21 |
EKFB JV - Piling Works for Acoustic Barrier Installation - NEC Subcontract Works | Notice | Closed | 20/07/21 | M: GBP 5m - 10m | 15/07/21 |
EKFB JV - Steel columns forming part of route wide acoustic barrier - NEC Subcontract Works | Notice | Closed | 20/07/21 | M: GBP 5m - 10m | 15/07/21 |
EKFB JV - Precast concrete panels forming part of route wide acoustic barrier - NEC Subcontract Works | Notice | Closed | 20/07/21 | N: GBP 10m - 20m | 15/07/21 |
EKFB JV - Acoustic steel gates forming part of the route wide acoustic barrier - NEC Subcontract Works | Notice | Closed | 20/07/21 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 15/07/21 |
EKFB JV - Acoustic Barrier Supply and Installation - NEC Subcontract Works | Notice | Closed | 20/07/21 | P: GBP 30m - 40m | 15/07/21 |
EKFB JV - Noise Mitigation | Notice | Awarded | 09/07/21 | Not Disclosed | 24/06/21 |
EKFB JV - Portal Buildings | Notice | Closed | 20/07/21 | Not Disclosed | 22/06/21 |
EKFB - Environmental (Professional Services) Provider - Framework Opportunity | Notice | Cancelled | 28/06/21 | Not Disclosed | 15/06/21 |
EKFB - 2No Tyred Gantry Cranes for offloading ISO Containers at Greatmoor Sidings | Notice | Closed | 22/06/21 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 09/06/21 |
Concrete flow tables | Notice | Closed | 04/06/21 | Not Disclosed | 28/05/21 |
EKFB - Surveying Equipment Consumables & Equipment Hire - Framework Opportunity | Notice | Cancelled | 04/06/21 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 26/05/21 |
EKFB JV - Temporary mechanical and electrical systems - Tunnels | Notice | Awarded | 11/06/21 | Not Disclosed | 21/05/21 |
EKFB JV - Thame Valley Viaduct | Notice | Awarded | 04/06/21 | Not Disclosed | 21/05/21 |
EKFB JV - Traffic Sign Supply & Installation | Notice | Awarded | 04/06/21 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 21/05/21 |
EKFB JV - Temporary and Permanent Road Marking Contractor | Notice | Awarded | 04/06/21 | Not Disclosed | 21/05/21 |
EKFB - Hire of Siltbusters (Option for disposal of waste arising) & Water Pumps - Framework Opportunity | Notice | Awarded | 28/05/21 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 18/05/21 |
EKFB - Fire Risk Assessments within a tunnel environment | Notice | Awarded | 31/05/21 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 17/05/21 |
EKFB - General Civil Works Contractor (Various) - Framework Sub-contract Opportunity | Notice | Closed | 11/06/21 | Not Disclosed | 14/05/21 |
EKFB - Hire of Concrete Washout Plant (Option for disposal of waste arising) - Framework Opportunity | Notice | Awarded | 21/05/21 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 12/05/21 |
EKFB - General Construction Materials - Supply Only - Framework Opportunity | Notice | Awarded | 14/05/21 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 07/05/21 |
EKFB - Site Consumables - Supply Only - Framework Opportunity | Notice | Awarded | 14/05/21 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 07/05/21 |
300kva Generator & MDU required for hire | Notice | Awarded | 08/04/21 | Not Disclosed | 05/04/21 |
EKFB JV - Supply of Alvenius and/or Svebra pipe systems for tunnelling project | Notice | Awarded | 04/04/21 | Not Disclosed | 24/03/21 |
EKFB JV - Framework Opportunity for the Route wide Construction Ground Movements Monitoring | Notice | Awarded | 04/04/21 | Not Disclosed | 23/03/21 |
Welder services | Notice | Cancelled | 23/03/21 | Not Disclosed | 18/03/21 |
EKFB JV - Temporary Works Design - For Gas Main Protection Slabs (must be Lloyds registered approved) | Notice | Awarded | 31/03/21 | G: GBP 150k to 250k | 18/03/21 |
Supply of sand | Notice | Cancelled | 24/03/21 | Not Disclosed | 18/03/21 |
EKFB JV - Remediation Specialist | Notice | Awarded | 26/03/21 | Not Disclosed | 16/03/21 |
Form Traveller - Viaduct Structures | Notice | Awarded | 26/03/21 | Not Disclosed | 16/03/21 |
Temporary Cross Passage Fire Rated Doors for Green Tunnels | Notice | ITT Issued | 24/03/21 | Not Disclosed | 10/03/21 |
Transient Dynamic Integrity Testing for small and large diameter bored piles | Notice | Cancelled | 16/03/21 | Not Disclosed | 09/03/21 |
Concrete slab installation | Notice | Awarded | 11/03/21 | Not Disclosed | 03/03/21 |
Crane Supply for HS2 works | Notice | Closed | 05/03/21 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 24/02/21 |
Lifting equipment inspection specialist | Notice | Cancelled | 19/02/21 | Not Disclosed | 12/02/21 |
PM55 Concrete pump hire services | Notice | Cancelled | 05/02/21 | Not Disclosed | 01/02/21 |
Temporary Ventilation & Air Quality Monitoring | Notice | Awarded | 10/02/21 | Not Disclosed | 26/01/21 |
Supply of site consumables | Notice | Awarded | 02/02/21 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 25/01/21 |
Waterproofing and Firestopping to precast concrete cut and cover tunnels | Notice | Awarded | 09/02/21 | Not Disclosed | 25/01/21 |
Support Fluid Slabs | Notice | Awarded | 01/02/21 | Not Disclosed | 25/01/21 |
Supply of Labour and Equipment for Construction of Robust Kerbs – Via Slipform Method | Notice | ITT Issued | 08/02/21 | Not Disclosed | 25/01/21 |
Supply of lifting equipment | Notice | Awarded | 30/01/21 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 22/01/21 |
Transport services | Notice | Awarded | 31/01/21 | Not Disclosed | 21/01/21 |
Fuel supply | Notice | Cancelled | 30/01/21 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 20/01/21 |
Small plant hire | Notice | Awarded | 27/01/21 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 20/01/21 |
Permanent Bridge Beam Infill Shuttering Systems - GRP Forms | Notice | Awarded | 28/01/21 | M: GBP 5m - 10m | 13/01/21 |
Temporary Formwork Systems and Shoring Systems | Notice | Cancelled | 28/01/21 | M: GBP 5m - 10m | 13/01/21 |
Crowd Barriers | Notice | Awarded | 29/01/21 | D: GBP 25k to 50k | 07/01/21 |
Corporate Branded & Non-branded external signage | Notice | Awarded | 15/01/21 | F: GBP 100k to 150k | 18/12/20 |
Corporate Printing, Reprographics & Corporate Internal Site Signage - Framework | Notice | Awarded | 11/01/21 | E: GBP 50k to 100k | 15/12/20 |
Electrical Installers | Notice | Awarded | 04/12/20 | Not Disclosed | 25/11/20 |
InSAR monitoring design services | Notice | Awarded | 01/12/20 | Not Disclosed | 20/11/20 |
Property Condition Surveys | Notice | Awarded | 03/12/20 | Not Disclosed | 20/11/20 |
Hire or Supply of Lighting Tower Units | Notice | Cancelled | 27/11/20 | Not Disclosed | 17/11/20 |
Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPS) - Stage 2 | Notice | Awarded | 27/11/20 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 16/11/20 |
Blue Collar Recruitment | Notice | Closed | 30/11/20 | Not Disclosed | 16/11/20 |
White Collar Recruitment | Notice | Closed | 30/11/20 | Not Disclosed | 16/11/20 |
Cranes - Stage 2 | Notice | Awarded | 25/11/20 | Not Disclosed | 16/11/20 |
Provision of Social Listening Services | Notice | Cancelled | 11/11/20 | Not Disclosed | 28/10/20 |
Excavators & Dumpers (Attendances) - Stage 2 | Notice | Awarded | 21/10/20 | M: GBP 5m - 10m | 08/10/20 |
Expansion Joints | Notice | Awarded | 14/10/20 | Not Disclosed | 01/10/20 |
Provision of Bat Licence & Monitoring (Calvert Area) | Notice | Awarded | 06/10/20 | Not Disclosed | 25/09/20 |
Supply & Delivery of Stationery - Framework | Notice | Awarded | 30/09/20 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 21/09/20 |
Project Progress Photography - Framework | Notice | Awarded | 21/09/20 | F: GBP 100k to 150k | 11/09/20 |
InSAR Satellite Monitoring | Notice | Awarded | 13/09/20 | Not Disclosed | 01/09/20 |
Personal Protective Equipment PPE - Stage 2 Rev 1 | Notice | Awarded | 25/08/20 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 20/08/20 |
Innovation & Business Improvement Digital Platform | Notice | Cancelled | 14/08/20 | Not Disclosed | 06/08/20 |
Personal Protective Equipment PPE - Stage 2 | Notice | Cancelled | 18/08/20 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 30/07/20 |
Non-Plant Driver Training | Notice | Cancelled | 06/08/20 | Not Disclosed | 23/07/20 |
Provision to supply / hire of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms | Notice | Cancelled | 31/07/20 | Not Disclosed | 17/07/20 |
Small Plant and Tools Hire - Framework | Notice | Awarded | 27/07/20 | K: GBP 2.5m to 5m | 16/07/20 |
Operational Support Mechanical Handling Equipment | Notice | Awarded | 22/07/20 | K: GBP 2.5m to 5m | 15/07/20 |
Setting Out - Stage 2 | Notice | Awarded | 28/07/20 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 15/07/20 |
EKFB Bridge Bearings | Notice | Awarded | 03/07/20 | Not Disclosed | 22/06/20 |
Digitalisation of Health, Safety, Wellbeing, Quality, Assurance and Environment for Stage 2 System Solution | Notice | Awarded | 24/06/20 | Not Disclosed | 18/06/20 |
FM Services | Notice | Awarded | 26/06/20 | Not Disclosed | 18/06/20 |
Supply & Service Support for Lifting Equipment | Notice | Cancelled | 26/06/20 | Not Disclosed | 17/06/20 |
Supply & Delivery of Quicklime | Notice | Awarded | 22/06/20 | N: GBP 10m - 20m | 16/06/20 |
EKFB JV White Collar Recruitment PSL (Perm and Freelance) | Notice | Awarded | 10/06/20 | Not Disclosed | 05/06/20 |
Construction of Calvert South Overbridges, Underbridges & Culverts | Notice | Cancelled | 19/06/20 | N: GBP 10m - 20m | 29/05/20 |
BKJV Signs | Notice | Awarded | 19/06/20 | Not Disclosed | 28/05/20 |
EKFB I&M Data visualisation platform | Notice | Awarded | 29/05/20 | Not Disclosed | 20/05/20 |
EKFB I&M Data visualisation platform | Notice | Withdrawn | 29/05/20 | Not Disclosed | 20/05/20 |
EKFB JV Instrumentation and Monitoring Green Tunnels | Notice | Closed | 29/05/20 | Not Disclosed | 20/05/20 |
Long range wireless infrastructure | Notice | Awarded | 22/05/20 | Not Disclosed | 15/05/20 |
EKFB Mobile Communications | Notice | Awarded | 22/05/20 | Not Disclosed | 13/05/20 |
EKFB Surface and Ground water monitoring (Wendover) | Notice | Awarded | 06/06/20 | Not Disclosed | 06/05/20 |
EKFB Joint Venture - Micro Tunnelling and associated works | Notice | Awarded | 11/05/20 | M: GBP 5m - 10m | 05/05/20 |
HS2 EKFB Waste Management Broker | Notice | Awarded | 12/05/20 | Not Disclosed | 28/04/20 |
Operational Support Control Room design, build & through-life support | Notice | Cancelled | 12/05/20 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 28/04/20 |
Breakdown Recovery Stage 2 | Notice | Cancelled | 01/05/20 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 24/04/20 |
FM PPM to Executive offices and modular buildings | Notice | Awarded | 01/05/20 | Not Disclosed | 24/04/20 |
Office Cleaning - Milton Keynes, Bicester and Brackley | Notice | Awarded | 01/05/20 | E: GBP 50k to 100k | 24/04/20 |
Critical Event Management Software | Notice | Cancelled | 24/04/20 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 07/04/20 |
Road Cleaning Services | Notice | Awarded | 03/04/20 | K: GBP 2.5m to 5m | 26/03/20 |
Covered Storage | Notice | Awarded | 03/04/20 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 26/03/20 |
Container / Containerised Storage Solution | Notice | Awarded | 03/04/20 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 26/03/20 |
Welfare Cabins | Notice | Awarded | 03/04/20 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 26/03/20 |
Supply & delivery of steel reinforcing bar | Notice | Awarded | 22/03/20 | Not Disclosed | 06/03/20 |
Supply & Hire of Generators | Notice | Awarded | 06/03/20 | Not Disclosed | 21/02/20 |
Traffic Control System - Creighton Road Corridor | Notice | Awarded | 05/03/20 | F: GBP 100k to 150k | 20/02/20 |
Supply of Fuel, Installation of Bulk Storage Tanks & Dispensing Racks & the Distribution of Fuel to Worksite | Notice | Awarded | 27/02/20 | S: GBP 70m - 100m | 13/02/20 |
EK Surfacing for West Street compound | Notice | Withdrawn | 28/02/20 | F: GBP 100k to 150k | 13/02/20 |
Civil Engineering Groundworks - Drainage Installation for Trackway, Highways, Structures & Site Wide Areas | Notice | Cancelled | 18/02/20 | Not Disclosed | 05/02/20 |
Precast Concrete - Bridge Beams, Bridge Parapets, Bridge Pier Shells, Box Culverts | Notice | Awarded | 28/01/20 | Not Disclosed | 14/01/20 |
Supply & Hire of Non-Mechanical Plant, including Shoring Equipment, Trent Boxes, Road Plates etc | Notice | Awarded | 17/01/20 | Not Disclosed | 07/01/20 |
Provision of lime stabilisation services | Notice | Cancelled | 06/01/20 | K: GBP 2.5m to 5m | 17/12/19 |
PAS128 Cat B Surveys (Calvert South) | Notice | Awarded | 10/01/20 | Not Disclosed | 16/12/19 |
Temporary Bridges | Notice | Awarded | 26/11/19 | K: GBP 2.5m to 5m | 14/11/19 |
Cranes (Calvert South) | Notice | Awarded | 08/11/19 | Not Disclosed | 28/10/19 |
Non-Core Earthworks Plant & Early Works Plant (Central Area) | Notice | Awarded | 08/11/19 | Not Disclosed | 25/10/19 |
Catering Support Services | Notice | Awarded | 25/10/19 | Not Disclosed | 18/10/19 |
Temporary Fencing and Gating | Notice | Awarded | 18/10/19 | N: GBP 10m - 20m | 10/10/19 |
Eiffage Kier PPE Supply, Maintenance and Washing | Notice | Awarded | 15/10/19 | K: GBP 2.5m to 5m | 08/10/19 |
Innovation Challenge - Sustainable Materials | Notice | Cancelled | 11/10/19 | Not Disclosed | 03/10/19 |
Vehicle Wash Stations | Notice | Awarded | 21/10/19 | Not Disclosed | 03/10/19 |
Weighbridges | Notice | Cancelled | 21/10/19 | Not Disclosed | 03/10/19 |
Materials Testing | Notice | Awarded | 27/09/19 | Not Disclosed | 11/09/19 |
Site Access Road | Notice | Awarded | 16/09/19 | O: GBP 20m - 30m | 02/09/19 |
Site Access Road | Notice | Withdrawn | 16/09/19 | O: GBP 20m - 30m | 30/08/19 |
HS2 MWCC's Lots C23 - Temporary Works Designers | Notice | Awarded | 06/09/19 | M: GBP 5m - 10m | 30/08/19 |
HS2 EKJV Sections C2 C3 Noise, Vibration & Air Quality Equipment/ Consultancy | Notice | Awarded | 02/09/19 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 22/08/19 |
HS2 EK Waste Management ITT | Notice | Awarded | 16/09/19 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 21/08/19 |
Traffic Safety and Control Officers (TSCOs) | Notice | Awarded | 30/08/19 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 20/08/19 |
Temporary Traffic Management | Notice | Awarded | 30/08/19 | N: GBP 10m - 20m | 16/08/19 |
HS2 EKJV Sections C2 C3 Vegetation Clearance | Notice | Awarded | 02/09/19 | J: GBP 1m to 2.5m | 15/08/19 |
Contestable Utility Diversions | Notice | Awarded | 23/08/19 | R: GBP 50m - 70m | 06/08/19 |
Unexploded Ordnance Survey | Notice | Awarded | 09/08/19 | Not Disclosed | 06/08/19 |
Provision of an Immersive Culture Change Training Experience | Notice | Awarded | 09/08/19 | K: GBP 2.5m to 5m | 02/08/19 |
Bus Services - Movement of Workforce | Notice | Awarded | 16/08/19 | Not Disclosed | 02/08/19 |
Weighbridges | Notice | Cancelled | 16/08/19 | Not Disclosed | 02/08/19 |
Vehicle Wash Stations | Notice | Awarded | 16/08/19 | G: GBP 150k to 250k | 02/08/19 |
Catering Support Services | Notice | Awarded | 16/08/19 | Not Disclosed | 02/08/19 |
Opportunity Template - Template copy | Notice | Withdrawn | 06/08/19 | G: GBP 150k to 250k | 31/07/19 |
Fuel Storage Solutions | Notice | Awarded | 14/08/19 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 31/07/19 |
Supply & Delivery of Quicklime & Hydrated Lime Acr... | Notice | Awarded | 05/08/19 | T: GBP 100m - 250m | 31/07/19 |
Temporary Accomodation - Cabins | Notice | Awarded | 26/07/19 | N: GBP 10m - 20m | 19/07/19 |
Temporary Accomodation - Cabins | Notice | Withdrawn | 26/07/19 | N: GBP 10m - 20m | 19/07/19 |
Fuel | Notice | Closed | 29/07/19 | Q: GBP 40m - 50m | 18/07/19 |
EK Route Wide Topographical Surveys- Aerial | Notice | Awarded | 15/07/19 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 09/07/19 |
EK Route Wide Topographical Surveys- Ground Surveys | Notice | Awarded | 15/07/19 | H: GBP 250k to 500k | 09/07/19 |
Electric Charging Requirement | Notice | Cancelled | 19/07/19 | E: GBP 50k to 100k | 02/07/19 |
Eiffage Kier White Fleet Vehicles (Non Construction/non LGV) | Notice | Awarded | 31/07/19 | M: GBP 5m - 10m | 02/07/19 |
Eiffage Kier Security Gaurding | Notice | Awarded | 31/07/19 | M: GBP 5m - 10m | 02/07/19 |
Provision of Temporary Civil Engineering Labour | Notice | Awarded | 28/06/19 | T: GBP 100m - 250m | 18/06/19 |
Storage Solutions Requirement | Notice | Awarded | 27/06/19 | I: GBP 500k to 1m | 17/06/19 |
Large Goods Vehicle Requirement | Notice | Awarded | 24/06/19 | M: GBP 5m - 10m | 17/06/19 |
Sheet piling | Notice | Closed | 21/06/19 | Not Disclosed | 12/06/19 |
Digital Signage Solution | Notice | Awarded | 30/06/19 | G: GBP 150k to 250k | 06/06/19 |
Watercourse Monitoring | Notice | Awarded | 06/06/19 | D: GBP 25k to 50k | 30/05/19 |
Time lapse cameras | Notice | Awarded | 14/06/19 | G: GBP 150k to 250k | 30/05/19 |
Civil Engineering Framework | Notice | Awarded | 26/04/19 | T: GBP 100m - 250m | 08/04/19 |
Detailed Design Site Investigation | Notice | Awarded | 29/03/19 | M: GBP 5m - 10m | 21/03/19 |
Low Carbon Materials Innovation Challenge copy | Notice | Withdrawn | 26/10/18 | Not Disclosed | 23/10/18 |
Open Innovation Challenge | Notice | Cancelled | 31/10/18 | Not Disclosed | 26/09/18 |
Plant Safety Innovation Challenge | Notice | Cancelled | 14/09/18 | Not Disclosed | 31/08/18 |
Noise / Accoustic Barrier Innovation Challenge | Notice | Cancelled | 31/07/18 | Not Disclosed | 05/07/18 |